

Additional Training(If Applicable)
Training Seminars::

Company's Worked For:
Class Championship Wrestling Hamburg, Pennsylvania US 1992 WWF Stamford, Connecticut US 1994 ECW Philadelphia, Pennsylvania US 1996 Mid-Atlantic Taylorsville, North Carolina US 1996 Ultimate Championship Wrestling Queens, New york US 1996-1997 Eastern Shores Wrestling Long Island, New york US 1997 Arena PuertoRico Brooklyn, New York US 1998-1999 North American Wrestling Alliance Westchester County, New York US 1999 IPWA New York City, New York US 1991-1995 Assault Championship Wrestling Waterbury, Connecticut US 2002 International Wrestling Entertainment The Bronx, New York US 2003-2004 ECPW Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey US 2006 ASWA Brooklyn, New York US 2007-PRESENT NWA Force One Pro-Wrestling Egg Harbor City, New Jersey US
Trained By:
Former WWWF/NWA juniorheavyweight champion Bobby Bold Eagle also trained with Black Gordman-Pete Mckay and El Gran Herena... Entrance Music:Beware-by Big Punisher
Wrestling Debut: 1992

Title History: International World Junior Heavyweight Championship(Won it from Bobby Bold Eagle)
Location: New York City

Wrestler Name: Panther
Height & Weight: 5'8 and 1/2 inches.. 227lbs.
Entrance Music: Beware-by Big Punisher
Finishing Move: Panther driver-Running Death valley driver-5-star leg drop etc...
Trade Mark Moves: stiff kicks to the back and chest-german suplex-underhook suplex etc..
Heel or Face